Change into New One

Assalamualaikum w.b.t,

Good evening and have a nice day u alls. Keboringan amat terselah setelah kelmarin habis last paper final@ the end of my mission. Recall back to my past moment which trying to be a new person in term of internal, physical and so on. Berubah ke sesuatu yang lebih baik semua orang ingin kan?? Yup. Setiap manusia dia tau mana baik mana salah, cuma we often repeat same mistake and we always wondered on how to avoid it right. Same goes to me. I'm not perfect and nobody is perfect. Firstly, a very pleasure i wanna thanks to my beloved friend whose Nurul Husni. She always gives me an advice or anything that makes me more stronger. 

Manusia itu mudah lupa dan manusia itu kerap melakukan kesilapan even though they might now yang benda dia lakukan tu salah. However, if a person or someone else who always giving advice to you untuk benda kebaikan so just accept it. I wanna kick out my day about my experience. Pakai tudung?? Function is to cover our body or aurat kan?? Tapi almost gegurl especially refer to "me" suka pakai tudung bawal which is absolutely thin and transparent enough. So, our neck could be seen. Oleh itu! Perfect x kita cover aurat kita? Memang idok la. Then, she gave me anak tudung untuk cover my neck. Wah! Terharu teramat tau. So, now Cik Tiey dah mula belajar pakai tudung bawal with inner neck tu.

Tapi still pakai tudung yang orang kata xperfect lah sangat la. Xmacam tudung bulat, yang labuh gitu. Ok. I now and it can't be doubt. Tapi. perubahan kearah sesuatu perkara tu xperlu menandak sangat2 , yang penting kita istiqamah dalam setiap pencarian itu. Hidayah itu milik ALLAH kan, so sama2 kita bedoa semoga DIA sentiasa merahmati hidup kita. AMIN


  1. that's what friend is made for..
    sikit2 pon xpe kite berubah, asalkn kite istiqamah je cik tiey oppp

    1. Yup. Insha'ALLAH, semoga ALLAH sentiasa mempermudahkan segala keinginan kita kearah kebaikan.


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