Hye everyone, today is first starting my first class after 1 week
holiday break at home. However, my throat was sore and I don’t know how to
treat this one. Sometimes, throat sore indicates that your body going to have fever & flu. Oh noo. I hate that too much! Last night, my head
was pain and it might caused by migraine. But, there is no effort that had been
taken by me in order to treat that disease.
What’s going on me?
No one wants their body being infected by diseases, as it
might disturb our study & also concentration in class. So, I’m trying my
best to recover from this sore. It’s very painful, even swallow saliva we can
feel the pain. Hopefully, this sore pain can be recovered as soon as possible
with some efforts needed. I have read one article on how to treat sore throat.
””Ambil secubit- tiga cubit habbatul barakah atau as sannut
di dalam hadis yang lain juga lalu digigit perlahan2 lantas dikepat lama2.
Insya Allah anda akan dapati kahak anda mula cair dan penderitaan anda
perlahan2 berakhir... amalkan dua kali sehari.””
Based on him, taking a few seeds of Habbatus sauda could
treat sore throat by taking 2 times per day. I will try this method, and
In sha ALLAH this disease can be cured.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t, I hve been return back to my second place which is Kuala Tererngganu home. Hoorey! & Alhamdulillah smpai dgn selamat. Naik bas sp bumi pd pkul 11pg, tu pum bas tambahan sbab tiket bas dh habis. huhu. Mjurla ad tiket gak,kalau x mmg kena ambik tiket pkul 8pg la,awl sngat tu nk tinggalkan family yg tersayang & tido.kekeke. Drp pkul 11am-2pm, mmg lega la after jijak kaki kat bus stand tu bila xtahan sngat naik bas tu, macam naik kuda je. Tatkala smpai, trus letak brg2 kat tmpat duduk then trus duduk mcam org sesat je. Pening kepala yg teramat sngat, tmbah2 lg xcall sape lg yg nk p hantar ke umah sewa. Well, sorang2 kan cam tu la hidup kena berdikari. Tp, alhamdulillah terjumpa si fatma comel, kira ad teman la jgak kan. After that, try call prebet2 tp smunya bz,last2 ade pak cik prebet kat bus stand offer nk hntar dngan bayaran rm15 utk dua org. Pastu proses tawar-menawar,jadik rm 12 je. Hehehe. so, bukan beli brg je we need to bargain the given price.
Sebelum tunggu p.cik tu, kami dapat newspaper BH free tau. Wah, rasa macam sronok gler dpat benda free2 ni kan & pd masa yg sama senyum sinis jgak. huhuhuhu. Tp, juz baca main page & last page je. Dh tau matlamat newspaper tu ape. Tp ap yg menarik kat last page tu, yg pasal Norizwan selaku Ultras Malaysia & penyokong bola sepak Malaysia memohon presiden FAM melepaskan jawatan beliau! Wah,mmg berani punye smngat & usaha dlam memperkasakan bola sepak Malaysia. Bg sy, 100% sngat skong supaya ad perubahan pd FAM sbab cara pemikiran yg kuno yg diorang bawa ni xbwak kemana kita punya bola sepak. Based on Norizwan, stakat ni Malaysia mampu main kat AFC je yg level paling high bukan yg liga2 atasan. Tu je la kupasan dlam hati sy psal bola ni.hehe. Finally,both of us arrived safely at our love place. Yg fatma kat hostel & sy kat rumah sewa tercinta.
Asslamualaikum w.b.t, Hye smua & salam jumaat kpd seluruh umat Islam. Hari nk share tempat yg paling best bg sesiapa yg nak makan nasi kerabu @ ayam pericik. Destinasi yg patut anda kunjungi! Sebab sy dh berpengalaman makan kat cni & makanan kat sane mmg best giler. Sy bg 5stars lah! hehehe. Best loh dpat makan free sbab akak yg belanja,well kita dh nk balik dh kat kampus xlama lg,so ap yg sy mengidam tu alhamdulillah dimakbulkan. Harga tu ok je,kira mmg lojik la dgn 3 org makan,RM30 sumtim. Bg sesiapa yg nk dtg @ mencuba makan kat area ni,bolehla ye. Ceh,promote plak. Tp xpe la,asalkan apa yg kita makan tu puas hati kan. :) Ni gmbar2 yg sy snap smsa otway nk p sane & after dh smpai sane. XOXO
Today i'm gonna share about someone that had been a singer since she was young which is Avril Lavigne. She was my idol since i was young. Almost all of us know & familiar this famous international singer right. Actually i'm proud on her because of her's commitment, independent, full of confidence and determination in music industrial & also her talent! She was famous since we were child, but she still known by worldwide nowadays. So,she doesn't unforgotten by people as her voice is adorable, talented person and having good looking appearance also Short biography about Avril Lavigne: ~Name: Avril Ramona Lavigne ~Born: September 27, 1984 ~When Avril was almost 18, she released "Complicated" from her debut album titled: "Let G ~Complicated" went to number #1 on Billboards Top 100 while also earning her 5 Grammy nominations, MTV music awards, MTV European music awards and many more. Based on my blog song, i would like to share this I love You by Avril Lavigne.
ASSALAMUALAIKUM w.b.t, Muet oh muet, diriku sentiasa terpaku tatkala memikirkan mu oh muet. Entahla,sero nalim tahap dewo kalu mikir ko muet ni. xtau la nk kato gano. YA,ALLAH engkau permudahkanlah segala urusan ku.AMIN! In sha ALLAH,saya akan usaha sebaik mungkin utk dapatkan band 3 keatas! usaha tangga kejayaan. Mano2 hok tebaca entry post2 sy ni terutamanya hok bab2 speaking bahaso ingeris tu harap la jngan suko sore mugo ayat bi kito tu dasyat that dewo. Dalam blog ni la sy nk naip gapo2 hok sy raso sy xpatut tulis kat fb. Tapi kalu ada ore sudi nk betulkan ayat bi kito meme dialu2 kan la. Kiro nk practise nulis n speaking dlam blog ni je la. So stakat tu je lah nk share hari ni.hehehe. tq sapo2 hok sudi baco.
Assalamualaiku w.b.t, Early morning i'm going to new secondary school that had been established about one year ago which is Sek.Men Panchor Perdana in order to register my youngest sister for intake in form 1. However, the date for registration is on 29 december, so we just return back to home. Oh noop. Nope return back to home, but having breakfast with my beloved family at Landak stalls. We are ordering nasi air and mee sup with air cendol's. Wow, awesome hot soup that suitable to be eaten during raining season. Then, we are going to historical place which is pantai pak amat to see scenery at there. For a long time we haven't been here, all surrounding change because of physical factor and also environment. I don't know how to tell the differences of that place before and nowadays. But,let pictures describe everything.
Hye everyone and sleep tight i wish to all of east cost people. Sleep during raining seasons is the best moment with cool air and good environment. Hihihihi
Straight to my purpose, i'm looking for natural beauty product right now?. Oh nope! I had found superB product and i'm trying to share to all of u. Natural products mean the chemical composition of those products are comprised from valuable nutrient that haven't hazard chemicals (side effect) for long period after using these products. As science student, being aware about chemical hazard is a good precaution before its too late to regret before choosing suitable product to apply on our skin body.
First all, i would to share my product to all of my readers which is Metalfortis & Collagen Plus Vitamin E. Please visit on their fb page: sini
As consumer of this product, i'm recommended to all of gurls and boys by using this product as it could solving your skin problem. The most important thing, the chemical compositions of this product are valuable nutrients and good for skin care. I'm interested on its content which is made from cocos nucifera (kelapa). Last semester i have already done a research about this chemical compound and without doubt, i'm pretty sure this product is good to us.
Besides, there is no bad side effect during applying this product but it gives more better effect to me. So let's try this product :)
ASSALAMUALAIKUM... Hye & good night alls. I was at home since yesterday & spent my precious time with sleeping only. Well, raining seasons make our feeling falling in love to sleep. In sha ALLAH, i will do all of my tasks that need to pay attention as the task must be submitted after this mid sem break. Two important task must be focus on which are PHY360 & CHM260! I have to find past research stuffs in order to complete my thesis of these projects. Hey guys, it quite burden ourselves as we are still under Diploma level, but experience learn us on how to go further as we have already done a thesis for BIO300. So, focusing on my thesis for Physic, the purpose of study is to "evaluate and compare the stability of cement concrete mixed with waste material". Waste material? Such as glass,plastic,coconut shell,coconut fiber, rubber and so on. So that, we are trying to provide safeguard to environment as these waste material release harmful gas during disposal process. Besides, we also try to help construction to make variety of brick material composition which is cement+waste materials,perhaps can give more strength and high durability than normal one. While, for Chemistry project we are trying to evaluate Habbatus sauda chemical composition. For our knowledge, our Prophet Muhammad use habbatus sauda as medicine instead of using chemical. Indeed, people will argue my statement as the bygone doesn't has convenient medicine such as nowadays. However, why Yahudi Laknatullah use habbatus sauda as their medicine rather than use convenient medicine? Pretty sure! The benefit of Habbtus sauda can't be doubt because of its chemical composition that we are trying to make some research and focus to only one compound which is Thmoquinone functioning as anti-bacteria. Hopefully, our research journey can run smoothly and we will try our best to be the best group and also give new knowledge to us. Moreover, our research could help people gaining new knowledge and we also can create new finding that give advantage to human being.
Hye guys, today i would like to share sumtim but b4 that, i wanna wish congratulation to all of PMR candidates for the result that have given on this day. Orite, straight to my purpose which is im try to share on how to increase our internet speed, especially for broadband. Ok,you all just follow my instruction and hopefully it could help your internet speed more better than before.
First step: Type "cmd" on your start search button
Next step is: Type on your command "ipconfig" and press ENTER key then your internet ip address would be appear on this command such as or whatever & press ENTER key
last step is: Take your ip address and fill on that command ex: "ping -t" & press ENTER key. Then you will be able to see repeated command.
So,that all from me and let's try on your broadband,perhaps it work :) Sorry if there is a lot of mistakes because i'm just try to share as i can.
Monsoon season was began and heavy rain was pouring on earth, especially east coast state. So, raining season is a big challenge to us as a students that must be face especially going the campus by walking. That is a big obstacle during that travelling right? However there must be complete preparation in order to face monsoon season such as buying big umbrella, plastic shoes, waterproof beg & also rain coat as the better protection from rain.
The most big challenge to students is "sleep" or hibernate during this nice temperature and wet surrounding. It make us to sacrifice our book rather than our blanket. Oh, that was a big serious problem that i should to handle!
But...mid sem break just around the corner. It is starting on 20-29 December 2012, & i'm waiting for the date to spend my hibernate time & doing some task too. Raining season? what cross on your mind? Only sleep right or doing the same thing that we have done during our childhood when this season was began?
For me is time to find "monsoon food" and people might be know what's is on earth monsoon food should be.
Yessss!!! Kelantan "monsoon food" the most famous one is "Putu Halba" is made from tapioca. Wow, it taste is really great and i can feel my swallow is going to move through my esophagus!
Gulp,it look so delicious than other foods during this season. Besides, the best dishes during this season is nasi kosong with ikan masin goreng. That is awesome smell that could promote your body to breath deeply. HAHA
So here, only two famous dishes that could give people having a great moment during this season. But the most superb is sleep tight with your blanket,pillow and other stuffs that can comfort your raining day. :)
Hari ni sy juz nk berkongsi kelebihan membaca surah Al-Mulk kpd all of my readers dan juga utk menambah pengetahuan agama kepada diri saya sendiri. Seperti yg kita tahu pahala membaca al-quran mmg bnyak kan, jadi marilah same2 kita mengalunkan bacaan ayat suci al-quran dimana2. In sha ALLAH, perjalanan hidup kita di atas muka bumi ALLAH ni sentiasa berpegang kpd tiang yg kukuh.
Tanpa membuang mase, ni diantara fadhilat2 membaca surah al-mulk ye kawan2:
1-Mendapat Syafaat
Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a dari Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Sesungguhnya di dalam al_Quran ada 30 ayat memberi syafaat kepada pembacanya sehingga diberi keampunan untuknya iaitu surah al-Mulk.”
2-Menyelamatkan daripada seksa kubur
Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam bersabda: “Sesungguhnya di dalam Al-Quran ada satu surah yang terkandung 30 ayat. Surah itu ialah surah Al Mulk. Ia akan datang kepada pembacanya untuk membantu bersoal jawab dalam kubur sehinggalah mereka selamat masuk ke dalam Syurga.”
3. Hati Beriman
Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Hatiku ingin supaya Surah Al-Mulk berada di dalam hati setiap orang yang beriman.” (iaitu setiap muslim hendaklah mempelajarinya dan membacanya dengan istiqamah).
4. Mendapat Keistimewaan
Saiyidina ‘Ali berkata: ”Sesiapa mengamalkan surah Al Mulk, nescaya dibawa ia pada hari kiamat di atas sayap malaikat serta wajahnya yangcantik seperti nabi Yusuf.”
##ALLAHUAKBAR...Banyak fadhilat2 membaca surah Al-Mulk ni ye, jadi marilah sama2 kita renungkan & beramal termasuk sy sendiri. In sha ALLAH.
ASSALAMUALAIKUM w.b.t, Salam jumaat kepada seluruh umat ISLAM serata dunia. Hari jumaat hari yang paling mulia disisi ALLAH kan dan ia merupkan penghulu segala hari. Banyak hadis menerangkan kelebihan hari Jumaat, misalnya hadis Rasulullah S.A.W yang diriwayatkan Abu Hurairah berkenaan penghulu hari, bermaksud: “Jumaat dinamakan sebagai `Sayyidul Aiyam’ iaitu penghulu segala hari (hari yang sebaik hari). ” Katanya Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Kita (umat Muhammad) adalah yang terakhir (datang ke dunia) tetapi yang terdahulu (diadili) pada hari kiamat. Kita adalah yang paling dahulu masuk syurga, padahal mereka diberi kitab lebih dahulu daripada kita sedangkan kita sesudah mereka. Kita diberikan petunjuk oleh Allah akan kebenaran yang mereka perselisihkan itu yang Allah telah tunjukkan kepada kita iaitu Hari Jumaat. Maka hari ini (Jumaat) adalah untuk kita (Alhamdulillah,negeri pantai timur memberikan cuti umum pada setiap hari jumaat kerana kelebihan jumaat kpd umat Islam tu amat bnyak). Besok (Sabtu) untuk kaum Yahudi dan lusa (Ahad) untuk kaum Nasrani. ALLAHURABBI,kelebihan kepada kita sebagai umat Rasullah s.w.t. Hari ni bukan nk bg ceramah @ pape,tp cuma nk share la sikit al-kisah hari jumaat yg biasa kita set on our mind ialah solat jummat kan yg mana wajib utk org lelaki sahaja mengikut mazhab syafie. Saya amat terkilan la dgn seorang bdak ni sbab ceteknya pemikiran bab2 agama. Bukan niat sy disini nk mengaibkan si dia, tp sekadar berkongsi kerana kita sbgai al-insan ni mmg xperfect.justeru ap yg salah tu kita perbetulkanlah ye.
Macam ni ke budak2 zaman skrg? khutbah xnk dngar sdngkan khutbah tu merupakan rukun solat jumaat. Andai kata smbhyang jumaat,tp xckup rukun solat jumaat smua tu sia2. Jadi marilah kita beramal sbab ada lg yg masih xphm & xjelas psal solat jumaat ni kan.
Sembahyang solat jumaat ni bnyak kelebihan, antaranya drp sabda Rasulullah : “Sesiapa hadir solat Jumaat pada saat pertama, dia umpama berkorban seekor unta. Sesiapa hadir solat Jumaat pada saat kedua, dia seperti berkorban seekor lembu. Sesiapa yang menghadiri solat Jumaat pada saat yang ketiga, dia seperti berkorban seekor kibas. Sesiapa hadir solat Jumaat pada saat keempat, dia seperti memberi hadiah seekor ibu ayam dan sesiapa hadir solat pada saat kelima, dia seolah-olah memberi hadiah sebiji telur.”
Apabila imam naik ke mimbar, malaikat menutup buku catatannya dan ikut mendengar khutbah. Justeru, sesiapa yang datang untuk solat selepas itu seolah-olah dia hanya datang untuk solat semata-mata, tidak direkodkan di dalam buku kehadiran malaikat.
Setiap hari Jumaat, Allah S.A.W mengutuskan malaikat ke bumi, mencatat nama mereka yang ke masjid. Malaikat-malaikat akan ke langit menyembahkan apa yang dicatatnya. Allah S.W.T mengampunkan dosa-dosa mereka yang datang ke masjid.
Pada hari Jumaat juga, Allah S.W.T mengutus malaikat ke muka bumi. Di tangan mereka kalam-kalam emas, juga kertas-kertas daripada perak, berdiri di pintu-pintu masjid, mencatat nama mereka yang masuk masjid, dan mendirikan sembahyang Jumaat. Apabila telah sempurna sembahyang, mereka kembali ke langit lalu berkata: “Wahai Tuhan kami, kami telah catatkan nama mereka yang masuk masjid dan menunaikan Jumaat.”
Allah S.W.T berfirman yang bermaksud:
“ Wahai Malaikat-Ku, demi kemuliaan dan kebesaran-Ku, sesungguhnya Aku telah ampunkan mereka, tidak berdosa sedikit pun.
Jadi sy nk share video ni dan pd diri saya tidak mustahil smua ni boleh berlaku dengan kekuasaan ALLAH.
Assalamualaikum to all of my readers even though my blog doesn't has any readers. HAHAHHA. Its ok because my blog purpose is to release my feeling & what i want to write on my blog. Today is Saturday, i was at my rented house since yesterday. My family was sent me and stay overnight at my rent house. They were just left on evening at 2pm after having fun.
Unforgotten moments with my beloved family that i was spent over 1 day and i would like to share those moment with u alls. Yesterday is the 1st day at Terengganu and we only spent our time at pantai pandak while eating sotong goreng,popiya & a few dishes. Then the night we just having conversation, watching television at my room as all of us were tired after being face long journey even it only takes 4 hours from kota bharu to Chendering. So the night, we were slept with blissful because so tired.
On this day, saturday we were going to Pusat Akuatik Batu Buruk at 9.20am then we were arrived at 9.40am. The first session was opened already, so we just buy 4 tickets,swimming clothes and jump into the pool quickly as it will be closed on 11.30am. After that, we were having a lunch at KFC, set c & the last moment before sending me at my rent house, we stopped at Kedai Keropok Losong 007 because we think that this shop is provided the most good keropok losong taste than others even we have a few dissatisfaction on their staff. After that, i was arrived at my rent house and my family were continue their journey, back to home and arrived safely at 6pm. Alhamdulillah to ALLAH s.w.t for easiest our way & Hopefully my study journey is also smooth as well. So the end of my sweet journey moment with my beloved family & Sorry to my reader if my English is very damn worst. I hope there is somebody can make correction on my error typing.